It’s NOT a Diet!

 Slowly but surely I have been making the lifestyle changes I need to become a healthier me.  It started with the knocking out the wheat from my diet and I am happy to report my hands have pretty much cleared up and my back is on its way.  It hasn’t been easy, there is a lot of “planning ahead” which doesn’t come easy to a procrastinator like me but I am getting there. 

My journey has taken another turn.  I have started the Yoli Program which is a high protein/low carb diet.  I have been on it for almost a week and feel amazing.  I won’t go into the details of the meal plan, you can check out their website and read about it, basically I get to eat a lot of protein throughout the day, I’m not starving, feel energised and losing weight.  It works for me and I love it!    

I decided to start posting any yummy food recipes I find.  Tonight I am experimenting with the Facebook and Pinterest celebrity Oopsie Bread.  I have never made this before, it was super easy to make up and if it tastes good it will become a staple in my house!  At 85 calories, 6g carbs and 4g protein who wouldn’t! 

So, here is the recipe I followed/tweaked.  I did not use cream of tartar, did not have, but added ½ teaspoon of baking powder which was supposed to make it more bread like.  I added this to the cream cheese and yolk mixture.  Took not even 10 mins to whip together and 30 mins to bake.  I didn’t spray my pan, next time I will use parchment paper.  Tomorrow I will enjoy this with a nice big salmon burger, I am practically drooling now!!!!

