Spare a thought for Hugo

I have 3 furbabies and one of them is a Pug.  He is a crazy sort of beast and I have a gazzilion stories about him.  He manages to get into all sorts of trouble ranging from eating an ant trap to licking a frozen metal door and getting his tongue stuck for a couple minutes.  I have the vet on speed dial. But it doesn’t matter what insanely crazy thing he does, I couldn’t imagine not having Hugo in my life.  There is never a dull moment.  And he is only a year and a half.  Everyone tells me he is a puppy and he will grow out of it.  I’m not so sure. 

A couple weeks ago I noticed Hugo’s eye was a little weepy and it looked like there was a small scratch on his eye.  If you know what a pug looks like you know their eyes stick out of their heads a bit and are prone to get scratched.   I called the vet and booked an appointment.  Sure enough there was an ulcer on his cornea and he was sent home with 2 sets of drops to be given 3 times a day for a week.  The scratch still didn’t heal and in fact it got larger.  So back to the vet, now we were up to 3 sets of drops, 4 times a day.  At this point all I had to do was pull the drops off the shelf and Hugo would instantly squeeze his eye shut.  Poor Bug.   After being on the new drops for 3 days I called the vet again, the ulcer was not healing and it was decided to flap his eye.  Meaning, his 3rd eyelid has been sewn shut in hopes that his eye will repair itself.  The problem: if his ulcer ruptures he will loose his eye.  So I have until Friday, May 31st when I take Mr. Hugo back to the vet and they will check his eye to see if there is any improvement.  If the ulcer has not gotten smaller then we are off to a canine eye specialist in the big City.  I am trying to be positive as I watch my furbaby wandering around with a cone on his head and one eye sewn shut.  I say over and over in my head that his eye will show signs of healing on Friday and that he will recover 100%.  I have asked my friends to send positive vibes his way and even have a very special lady saying a prayer for him.  Hugo’s eye will be better on Friday.  Please if you can, spare a moment and whisper a positive thought for Hugo the Pug.

If you happen to notice any scratches or anything unusual with your pets eyes please don’t hesitate to call your vet and check it out.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  For info I have found this website to help me through Hugo’s ordeal:
